6x6: Feral
The concept was simple: 6 writers, 6 artists, 6 stories, 5 pages each, all from Boise, Idaho and unleashed like a maddened horde upon a single word: Feral. To focus the full force of their fearsome fecundity and stand well back and watch what stunning creations emerge from their nimble and unbecalmed minds. As with many simple ideas, this turned out to be more complicated than expected. This was no natural birthing process, but a c-section, on a sea-tossed ship, heavily taking water. The result? Beastly stories. Dark and haunting stories. Stories shot through with loss and angry nature. Stories of people valiantly struggling with their most devious, their age-old, enemy... Themselves.
6x6 is a colaboration between Mystery House Comics and Corvid Tear Media